Our company participated in the first Fujian ultra-high voltage power grid substation equipment ins

Source:   2024-01-10   Browse:1387


The first Fujian Ultra-High Voltage Power Grid Substation Equipment Operation Inspection New Technology Forum was held on December 28, 2023 at the Fuzhou Transformer Training Base of Fujian Ultra-High Voltage Bureau. At the meeting, our representatives gave a keynote speech on "GIS Gas Chamber Critical Care and Comprehensive Online Monitoring Technology", demonstrated the function of our JHZZ-100 SF6 gas critical care system device, and cooperated with Dilo's online dehumidification equipment to perform circuit breaker SF6 gas chamber before and after dehumidification. SF6 gas quality monitoring comparison test.


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Through this meeting, we have broadened our horizons, made new friends, and given our company's new technologies and products a better opportunity for promotion and publicity!

Product recommendation

JH6000CDseries Purity tester

Fast test, low air consumption, good for environmental protection

JH6000HQ1-D4 SF6 Mixed Gas Comprehensive Detector

Detection function, high accuracy, good stability

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